مروری بر دوره
در این دوره شما با مقدمات نگهداری و عملیات مربوط به Cisco Unified Communications solution و بخشهای مرتبط با آن آشنا خواهید شد، این بخشها عبارتاند از:
- Cisco Unified Communications Manager
- Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
- Cisco Unity Connection
- Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM و Presence Service
آنچه خواهید آموخت
- آشنایی با اجزای تشکیلدهنده Cisco Unified Communications solution و شناخت call signaling و جریانهای media stream
- ارائه یک نمای کلی از امکانات موجود برای ارتباط مابین administrator و end-user ها در Cisco Unified Communications Manager، Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express، Cisco Unity Connection و Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM و Presence Service
- جریان تماس (Call flows) در Cisco Unified Communications Manager و Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
- چگونگی انجام امور مربوط به مدیریت endpoint و end-user ها در Cisco Unified Communications Manager و Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
- امکانات تلفنی قابل پشتیبانی در Cisco Unified Communications Manager و Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
- اداره و کنترل کاربران در Cisco Unity Connection ، Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM و Presence Service و همچنین فراهم کردن امکان استفاده از امکانات پرکاربرد در هر دو برنامه
- چگونگی حفظ ونگهداری از Cisco Unified Communications solution
- فعالسازی، پیکربندی و مدیریت بیشتر برنامههای رایج برای کاربران حول Cisco Unified Communications Manager، Cisco Unity Connection، Cisco Unified Communications Manager Instant Messenger و Presence
سرفصل ها
1. Cisco Unified Communications Solutions
- Understanding the Components of Cisco Unified Communications Solutions
- Understanding the Characteristics of Cisco Unified Communications Solutions
2. Administrator and End-User Interfaces
- Understanding Administrator Interfaces
- Understanding End-User Interfaces
3. Call Flows in Cisco Call Control Platforms
- Understanding Call Flows and Call Legs
- Understanding the Configuration Components that Impact Call Flows in Cisco Unified Communications Manager
- Understanding Configuration Components That Impact Call Flows in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
4. Endpoint and End-User Administration
- Understanding End-User Characteristics and Configuration Requirements
- Understanding End-User Implementation Options
- Understanding Endpoint Characteristics and Configuration Requirements
- Understanding Endpoint Implementation Options
5. End User Telephony and Mobility Features
- Understanding Telephony Features
- Enabling Telephony Features
- Understanding Mobility Features
- Enabling Mobility Features
6. Cisco Unity Connection and Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence Service
- Understanding Cisco Unity Connection
- Understanding End User and Voice Mailbox Characteristics and Configuration Requirements
- Understanding End User and Voice Mailbox Implementation Options
- Understanding Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence Service
- Enabling Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence Service
7. Cisco Unified Communications Solutions Maintenance
- Providing End-User Support
- Understanding Cisco Unified Communications Manager Reports
- Understanding Cisco Unified Communications Manager CDR Analysis and Reporting Tool Reports
- Monitoring the System with Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool
- Monitoring Voicemail in Cisco Unity Connection
- Understanding the Disaster Recovery System
پیش نیازها
- دانش کار با converged voice و شبکههای دیتا
- دانش مقدماتی در زمینه Cisco IOS gateway ها
- دانش مقدماتی در زمینه Cisco Unified Communications Manager و Cisco Unity Connection
دوره ICND1 v3.0 سیسکو | Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices, Part 1
دوره ICND2 v3.0 سیسکو | Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices, Part 2
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