دوره Cloud Security & DevSecOps Automation

مروری بر دوره

این دوره بر اساس آخرین سیلابس شرکت SANS طراحی شده است و شامل مفاهیم و تکنیک های مورد نیاز برای امنیت DevOps و Cloud می باشد در این دوره شما با تمامی تکنیک های مورد نیاز برای بالا بردن امنیت چرخه CI/CD در دواپس آشنا شده و با سناریو های کاربردی یاد خواهید گرفت که چطور در محیط های عملیاتی DevOps را به صورت Secure راه اندازی کنید و از حملاتی که ممکن است به زیرساخت یک شرکت انجام شود جلوگیری کنید و از طرف دیگر شما یاد می گیرید که چطور زیرساخت Cloud را که می تواند Azure شرکت Microsoft و یا AWS شرکت Amazon باشد را Secure کنید شما بعد از گذراندن این دوره به متخصصی تبدیل خواهید شد که بازار وسیعی در دنیا خواهید داشت چرا که متخصصین این دوره انگشت شمار بوده و نیاز مارکت به این متخصصین روز به روز بیشتر می شود.


سرفصل ها

SEC540.1: DevOps Security Automation

DevOps and Security Challenges

   Understand the Core Principles and Patterns behind DevOps

   Recognize how DevOps works and identify keys to success

DevOps Toolchain

   Version control and source code management with git

   Using GitFlow to manage changes across environments

   Continuous Integration (CI) versus Continuous Delivery (CD)

   Continuous Delivery versus Continuous Deployment

   GitHub workflows, actions, and secrets storage

   GitLab CI workflows, OpenID Connect identity tokens, and HashiCorp Vault integration

   CI/CD supply chain attacks, risks, and hardening guidelines

Securing DevOps Workflows

   Threat model and secure your build and deployment environment

   DevSecOps phases and security controls

   How DevSecOps and artificial intelligence (AI) work together

Pre-Commit Security Controls

   Conduct effective risk assessments and threat modeling in a rapidly changing environment

   Learn how to analyze a git repository and identity key technology stacks

   Configure pre-commit git hooks to run required security checks

   Install code editor extensions for security and artificial intelligence (AI)

   Enable branch protections to require approvals and change control

   Enforce high risk code reviews using CodeOwners

Commit Security Controls

   Design and implement automated security tests and checks in CI/CD

   Understand the strengths and weaknesses of different automated testing approaches in Continuous Integration

   Centralize automated security checks into a dedicated security scanning factory

   How to minimize false positives and create custom rules

   Parse automated security using the xUnit, JUnit, SARIF, CycloneDX, and SPDX machine readable formats

   Learn the toolchain for scanning application source code, dependencies, configuration management code, and infrastructure as code

Secrets Management

   Managing secrets for CI/CD workflows

   Scan version control repositories for secrets

   Prevent secrets from being committed to version control

   Register pre-commit hooks to block commits with secrets

   Open-source and commercial secrets management systems

   Provision secrets in the Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, and HashiCorp Vault



   Attacking the DevOps Toolchain

   Version Control Security

   Automating Code Analysis

   Protecting Secrets with Vault

   CloudWars (Section 1): Cloud & DevOps Security Bonus Challenges



SEC540.2: Cloud Infrastructure Security

Cloud Infrastructure as Code

   Introduction to Cloud Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

   Terraform, OpenTofu, and the pros and cons of multi-cloud IaC

   Create Terraform resources with HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL)

   How to choose a Terraform provider for your cloud

   Create shared Terraform modules for your organization

   Automate Terraform deployments in CI/CD

   Secure Infrastructure as Code (IaC) configurations with Checkov and EasyInfra

Configuration Management as Code

   Introduction to configuration management tools

   How Ansible templates can help configure a custom virtual machine

   Build custom virtual machine images with Packer

   Automate golden image configuration test suites with InSpec

   Publish golden images using CI/CD workflows

Container Security Lifecycle

   Introduction to the Application Container Security Guide

   Dockerfile commands, examples, and misconfigurations

   Linting container configuration files with Trivy

   Eliminating vulnerabilities with minimal base images, trusted suppliers, and multi-stage builds

   Writing custom container configuration policies with Conftest

   Scanning container images for vulnerabilities with Trivy

Software Supply Chain Security

   Introduction to the software supply chain

   Software provenance attestations with Docker BuildKit

   Supply-Chain Levels for Software Artifacts (SLSA)

   Managing vulnerable dependencies with trusted suppliers

   Create Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs)

   Sign build artifacts and Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) with Project Sigstore

   Scan SBOM artifacts for vulnerabilities and track results using Vulnerability Exploitability eXChange (VEX)



   Infrastructure as Code Network Hardening

   Gold Image Creation

   Container Image Hardening

   Container Software Supply Chain Security

   CloudWars (Section 2): Cloud & DevOps Security Bonus Challenges


SEC540.3: Cloud Native Security Operations

Kubernetes Architecture, Resources, and Deployments

   Introduction to Kubernetes architecture

   Interacting with the Kubernetes API server using kubectl

   Learn to create Kubernetes resource using YAML configuration

   Build Kubernetes ingress, service, and deployment resources for routing traffic to a microservice

   Inventory Kubernetes resources using metadata labels, and annotations

   Install Kubernetes packages using Helm

   Prepare container registry security for deploying Kubernetes pods

   Deploy a container image to Kubernetes using GitLab CI

Kubernetes Risks and Security Controls

   Understand container runtime and orchestration platforms

   Review container orchestrator security risks

   Use Kubernetes control plane authentication to access a cluster

   Apply role-based access control (RBAC) permissions to a subject

   Isolate resources using namespaces

   Store sensitive data in Kubernetes secrets and encrypt secrets storage using cloud managed encryption services

Kubernetes Workload Security

   Kubernetes cloud controller manager capabilities

   Review Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cloud controller manager permissions

   Understand how Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) pod permissions grant access to Azure APIs

   Review AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cloud controller manager permissions

   Understand how AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) pod permissions grant access to AWS APIs

   Enable Kubernetes workload identity using OpenID Connect (OIDC)

   Deploy Kubernetes workload identity for pods running in both Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

   Audit pods for least privilege access in both Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

Kubernetes Runtime Security

   Introduction to pod and container security context options

   Enable host and process namespacing and workload resource limits

   Build network policies with Container Network Interface (CNI)

   Introduction to Kubernetes admission controllers

   Write validating admission controllers with Common Expression Language (CEL) and Open Policy Agent (OPA), Gatekeeper, and Rego

   Learn how eBPF enables runtime protection for Kubernetes hosts and containers

   Compare runtime security options include Cilium, Falco, KubeArmor

Continuous Security Monitoring

   Monitoring and feedback loops from production to engineering

   Understand the difference between logs, metrics, and data tracing

   Examine Kubernetes cluster, node, container, and event log sources

   Enable Azure Kubernetes Service logging with the OMS Agent

   Ingest Kubernetes logs in Azure Log Analytics

   Analyze logs with Kusto Query Language (KQL) and trigger alerts using Azure Monitor

   Enable AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster logs and container insights

   Stream EKS log data to CloudWatch using Fluent Bit

   Query EKS log data with CloudWatch Log Insights

   Create CloudWatch Dashboards and trigger alerts using Simple Notification Service (SNS) topics

   Automate notifications using web hooks to a Discord channel

   Test monitoring, alerts, and notifications using automated ZAP scans



   Container Registry Security

   Kubernetes Workload Identity

   Kubernetes Admission Control

   Continuous Security Monitoring

   CloudWars (Section 3): Cloud & DevOps Bonus Challenges


SEC540.4: Microservice and Serverless Security

Deployment Orchestration using Cloud Native Services

   Introduction to blue/green deployment workflows

   Understand blue/green deployments using Azure Application Gateway

   Automate blue/green deployments using Azure Kubernetes ingress controller and service resources

   Understand blue/green deployments using AWS Route53 and AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) weighted target groups

   Automate blue/green deployments using AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) ingress controller and service resources

Secure Content Delivery

   Introduction to cloud content delivery networks (CDN)

   Evaluate CDN backend origin access control permissions to a storage account

   Protect static content and single page applications hosted in cloud CDN services

   Configure Azure CDN token authorization policies

   Create an AWS CloudFront Origin Access Identity (OAID)

   Enable AWS CloudFront Signing policies

   Configure secure CDN Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) policies

Microservice Security

   Compare the attack surfaces for traditional and microservice architectures

   Understand the pros and cons when moving to microservices

   Protect the perimeter with an API Gateway

   Enable API Gateway authentication and authorization with Open ID Connect (OIDC)

   Understand how service providers validate identity tokens from OIDC identity providers

   Create an Azure API Management gateway to protect a private microservice

   Configure an Azure API Management custom security policy to validate custom OIDC identity tokens

   Create an AWS API Gateway to protect a private microservice

   Configure an AWS API Gateway custom authorizer to validate custom OIDC identity tokens

   Verify JSON Web Token (JWT) configurations and claims meet security recommendations

   Protect internal service to service communications with mutual TLS

   Apply Kubernetes network policy to

   Extend Kubernetes network policy intelligence with Calico

   Understand how service mesh offerings can control API traffic at scale

Serverless Security

   Introduction to serverless application architectures

   Leverage event driven cloud services to host dynamic applications

   Build a serverless single page application (SPA) cloud native CDN, storage, identity provider, API Gateway, function (FaaS), and database services

   Review the Azure Function service and security options

   Review the AWS Lambda service and security options

   Introduction to GraphQL managed services and security concerns

   How do serverless systems change the security team's responsibilities

   Divide serverless deployment responsibilities between development and operations

   Build GitLab CI workflows for deploying serverless function packages





   Automated Patch Deployment using Blue/Green Services

   Content Protection with AWS CloudFront and Azure CDN

   Microservice Security using API Gateways, OpenID Connect, and Network Policy

   Serverless Security for Cloud Functions as a Service (FaaS) with GitLab CI

   CloudWars (Section 4): Cloud & DevOps Security Bonus Challenges


SEC540.5: Continuous Compliance and Protection

Continuous Compliance

   Introduction to Continuous Compliance and Compliance as Code

   Modern governance, risk, and compliance for cloud native applications

   Mapping DevOps guardrails to ITIL and PCI controls

   Automate compliance and security policy scanning using InSpec, AWS Service Control Policies (SCP), and Azure Policy

   Automate cloud native Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) policy using Microsoft Defender for Cloud, AWS Security Hub, and Prowler

Runtime Security Protection

   Automating compliance with cloud native web application firewall (WAF) services

   Protect Kubernetes workloads using the Azure and AWS WAF services

   Write WAF as Code custom rules for Azure and AWS WAF services

   Learn how the AWS WAF Security Automations Project uses event triggers and serverless to build custom WAF protection

   Compare compliance with WAF to RASP and IAST solutions

Automated Remediation

   Introduction to automated detection and remediation in the cloud

   Learn how Azure Event Grid and AWS EventBridge route events to runbooks for remediation and notifications

   Explore CSPM automation capabilities in Microsoft Defender for Cloud and AWS Security Hub

   Learn how AWS Security Hub Automated Response & Remediation (SARR) uses playbook automation to close findings

   Write policy as code with Cloud Custodian to manage cloud resources

   Deploy Cloud Custodian policies to remediate Azure Network Security Group and AWS Security Group firewall rule misconfigurations



   Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) with Prowler and Microsoft Defender for Cloud

   Blocking Attacks with Azure and AWS WAF

   Automated Remediation with Cloud Custodian

   CloudWars (Section 5): Cloud & DevOps Security Bonus Challenges

مخاطبان دوره

-کارشناسان Cloud

-کارشناسان DevOps

-کارشناسان امنیت

پیش نیازها

دوره جامع DevOps

تقویم دوره

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