آنچه خواهید آموخت
- آشنایی با مفاهیم و پروتکل های وب
- آشنایی با روش های جمع آوری اطلاعات در مورد وب
- آشنایی با روش های بدست آوردن Username و Password یک وب سایت
- آشنایی با انواع روش های Injection مانند SQL Injection و LFI و RFI و ...
- آشنایی با آسیب پذیری های XSS و XXE
- آشنایی با آسیب پذیری CSRF
- آشنایی با نرم افزار های تست نفوذ وب
سرفصل ها
SEC542.1: Introduction and Information Gathering
- Overview of the web from a penetration tester's perspective
- Exploring the various servers and clients
- Discussion of the various web architectures
- Discovering how session state works
- Discussion of the different types of vulnerabilities
- WHOIS and DNS reconnaissance
- The HTTP protocol
- WebSocket
- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) configurations and weaknesses
- Heartbleed exploitation
- Utilizing the Burp Suite in web app penetration testing
SEC542.2: Configuration, Identity, and Authentication Testing
- Scanning with Nmap
- Discovering the infrastructure within the application
- Identifying the machines and operating systems
- Exploring virtual hosting and its impact on testing
- Learning methods to identify load balancers
- Software configuration discovery
- Learning tools to spider a website
- Brute forcing unlinked files and directories
- Discovering and exploiting Shellshock
- Web authentication
- Username harvesting and password guessing
- Fuzzing
- Burp Intruder
SEC542.3: Injection
- Session tracking
- Authentication bypass flaws
- Mutillidae
- Command Injection
- Directory traversal
- Local File Inclusion (LFI)
- Remote File Inclusion (RFI)
- SQL injection
- Blind SQL injection
- Error-based SQL injection
- Exploiting SQL injection
- SQL injection tools
- sqlmap
SEC542.4: XXE and XSS
- XML External Entity (XXE)
- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
- Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF)
- XML and JSON
- Document Object Model (DOM)
- Logic attacks
- API attacks
- Data attacks
SEC542.5: CSRF, Logic Flaws and Advanced Tools
- Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
- Python for web app penetration testing
- WPScan
- w3af
- Metasploit for web penetration testers
- Leveraging attacks to gain access to the system
- How to pivot our attacks through a web application
- Exploiting applications to steal cookies
- Executing commands through web application vulnerabilities
- When tools fail
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